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Showing posts from January, 2017

Freedom from Black Powers

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام علي حبيبنا محمد الامين واله واصحابه صلاة وسلاما دائمين متلذمين الى يوم الدين My dear readers, I am glad to come back here and explain to you the use of suratul kahf and the Names of People of Cave with their prayers to set free yourself from the bondage of the black power (shaytan). The bondage You might have been battling in-progress in your endeavors, dreadful nightmare, eating in your dreams, intercourse in your dreams, cobweb everywhere, promise and fail, sickness, these and others are the traps of shaytan to derail you of your success path. You must be free Allah is ready to free you from this bondage. He said: call me, you shall be answered. He also said: seek help with perseverance and prayer. Follow these steps keenly, then you are free: 1. These powerful Prayer of my Sheikh 111 times 2. Suratul yoonus Ayat: 81 ( ما جئتم به السحر ان الله سيبطله ان الله لا يصلح عمل المفسدين ) 3 . This Khatim . Writ