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            O Allah! the ever living, the eternal, the repellant, the over power, subjugate he who try to hurt me with your power. O ye who expelled Adam from Janat and return him, O ye who torment Ayub and healed him, O ye who created enemy for Musa and saved him, O ye who uplifted Issa to the sky O ye who put Yunnus into the stomach of fish and brought him out, O ye who save Noha from the flood of water, save me, O ye who save Ibrahim from the fire of Namrudh save me from all anxiety and shy and worry and sorrowfulness and hurtness and wickedness and poorness and sickness and all sort of evil and from all trial of this world and hereafter The most merciful of the merciful. 
           O ye who brought out Yusuf from the deep well and adourned him with beauty. O ye who have prioritized goodness, your goodness is the first. The ever stable, Everlasting, Generous. Allah is my Esteem, the perfect guidance and the perfect helper.Remember Ayub, when he called upon Allah: I am tormented and you are the Most merciful. We answered him, and We relieved him of his torment and We gave him his people and its manifold, blessing from Us and memoir to my worshipers (of his kind).
A book is out, Acceptable prayer, it comprises of all topics on this site and other valuables. If you are interested click: Acceptable Prayer

May Almighty Allah make this a reward-able move for everyone of us. Amin



  1. Please which chapter and verse of the Quran is this prayer?

    1. It is not from the Qur'an but a well Rigid Prayer from the Ulamahs

    2. Most are drawn from suratul Anbiya from verse 69 to 99

  2. Pls is not a chapter from Quran but selected verses from the holy book cum prayer. Jazakumullahu Khaeran

  3. Adeyemi how do I contact u... Email or number

  4. Please, can you favour me with the KHUTUBA of Ayyu Daffiu or direct me to the site where I can find it.

    1. Hayyu dafiu is a khutba on itself and it free of khutba fro the source, individual may add his khutbah. So, make your niyyah your khutba

  5. Salam alaykum sir. Pls i use to recite this prayer but someone told too much of it have side effects. Can you advise me pls.

    1. Alhamdulilahi, continue reciting it. Prayer will never be too much. Here what Nabiy Zakariya said, ولم اكن بدئك ربى شقيا. Salaam alaekum

  6. Is it good to recite hayu dafiu into any cream or perfume for cure ailment i.e egbo adajina and for protection of ourself. Pls can you advise me and how to do it sir

  7. Reciting hayyu dafiu in water cream, soap perfume etc, is good and advisable . to cure diseases go to USING HAYYU DAFIU TO CURE EVERY DISEASES. do that for the person then be applying pure honey on the wound for 3 days then let me know the changes you notice. Salam alaekum

    1. Thank you for your respond almighty Allah we guide u and your family

  8. pls where to use stone of age if we dont know the age of the person how many stone we be use

  9. Forget about stone recite it in water for the person to drink and bath. Warm water

  10. thank you for your respond sir. pls i still need to ask another question sir, if we want to pray in any perfume is necessary to open the lid of that perfume. 2 can i recite that hayu dafiu in 2 or 3 days to complete 73times

    1. You don't need to open it. 73x may be done in 3, 5 or 7 days. Contact me on whatsapp +2348036681894 for more

  11. Salam alayqum. Can Hayyu Dafiu be recited in water and be given to a small kid to drink and to bath? Jazakummu Llahu Khaeran

  12. Sir, please how can I use ayu dafiu when thing are not going on well

  13. This has been my mother favorite prayer since and it's really wonderfully working for her..anytime we have nothing to eat she will recite this and a benefactor will knock out door... May Allah ans all our prayers

  14. How to use hayu dafiu for spiritual husband

  15. Please how can I download the audio

  16. Salam aleykum waramotulahi something is moving inside my left lap to my kneel like an insect, sir hiw can i use HAYYU DAFIU as cure for this thanks

  17. Please sir, can HAYYU DAFIU be recited for cure of barrenness for a 55 years old woman


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