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Crush Your Enemies

Asalaam alaekum warahmotullah wabarakatuhu.
Bismilahi Arrahman Arraheem.
I seek refuge with Almighty Allah from the accursed shaytaan, the staunch enemy of human being.
الحمد لله وكفى والصلاة الله واالسلامه على خير خلقه محمد واله واصحابه وعلينا معهم اجمعين.
This post is no doubt, a beneficial to all muslim humah who one way or the other is facing a battle of all battles, of any means be it a spiritual or physical. Kindly follow these steps:
1. Get a copy of your Hayyu dafiu.
2. A cup of water
3. A candle of any color.
How to use them:
After your ablution well performed, you try put your candle in a cup yet to fill with water, stand it firmly and fill the cup with water to half of the cup, then light the candle. Start reciting your hayyu dafiu with the candle in front of you. The candle is burning, hayyu dafiu continues. Stop exactly where the light went off and candle sank in the water. Then burry the water and the candle completely. You are done with the job.
Please and please don't make use of it in abusive way.
Assslaam alaekum warahmotullahi wabarakatuhu.
سبحان ربك رب العزة عما يصفون والسلام على المرسلين والحمد لله رب العلمين.
A book is written by me. The book is Acceptable prayer. It comprises of all topics on this blog. For yours click: Acceptable prayer


  1. Salam alaykum. Thanks for this site. I am happy you have resumed posting .please do not stop. Like how many hayyu dafiu will be recited before the light goes off. And how many days should one continue this prayer.Hope there is no side effect. What time of the day ia best to recite this prayer. Thanks for the response.

    1. Wa alaekum salaam, this prayer and others has no side effect and it is done during the night. How many will base on your conversantility with the prayer and the candle used Barakallahu fihi

  2. Salamu alaikum. U said we should burry d water and candle. How? Thanks

  3. Salamu alaikum. U said we should burry d water and candle. How? Thanks

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. we shouldnt bury the cup? but only water and the candle? can we still be using the cup afterwards?

  6. we shouldnt bury the cup? but only water and the candle? can we still be using the cup afterwards?


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