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اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الحيم
I seek refuge in Allah from shaytan, the accursed. In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
All glorification and adoration are solely due to Almighty Allah. The tranquility of Allah should be increased on the soul of the Noble Prophet, his household, companions and those that contributed to the growth of Islam till the day of Qiyyamah.
    I am here again to share with you the USES OF BISMILLAHI RRAHMANI RAHEEM which will inshaallahu be helpful to you.
    The Messenger of Allah was once ask about Bismillahi Rrahamani Rraheem, he said: it is one of the most beautiful name of Allah, there is no separation between it and the Most high name of Allah (Ismullahi-l-akbar) except for separation that exist between the whitish and the blackish of an eye. (SAW).
    The day it was revealed, the angels were very happy, the Arsh of Allah shook, the planetsshook, the rocks uproar for ears to ear and the people of Makkah said: Muhammad has bewitched the montains. It was used by:  Noah in the boat, Ibraheem in the fire of Nimrod, Moses in the red sea, Issa to raise the dead. It written on the ring of Sulaeman to command almost every thing. My brethren be happy for coming across this. Bismillahi Rrahamani Rraheem has numerous uses which I will mention few of.

  1. For prestige and honor: Recite Bismillahi Rrahamani Rraheem 150 times daily in the morning and evening, you shall command respect, prestige and honour from people of high and low cabals.
  2. For wealth and sustenance: Recite Bismillahi Rrahamani Rraheem 786 times for seven days with any intention to be accomplished.
  3. For tranquility in the sleep: recite Bismillahi Rrahamani Rraheem 21 times before going to bed.
  4. For love and intimacy: if you discovered that your is no more there on your partner mind, recite Bismillahi Rrahamani Rraheem 786 times in clean water, give to your partner to drink, the true love will be restored.
  5. To cure dull-wittedness and forgetfulness: recite Bismillahi Rrahamani Rraheem 786 times in clean water before sunrise in the morning, give it to the dullard to drink. Repeat it for seven days. The problem will solved.
  6. To restore lost mind: recite Bismillahi Rrahamani Rraheem 41 times in the person ear the lost mind will be regained.
  7. For agriculture: Write Bismillahi Rrahamani Rraheem 101 times on white papers burry them in your farm. The crops will boost, they will not be affected by any disease, if it affected already, with the name of Allah buried there, they will be cured.
  8. For protection: Write Bismillahi Rrahamani Rraheem 130 times on the first day of Muharam, make it as hamlet, no evil will befall you.
  9. For barreness and miscarriage: Write Bismillahi Rrahamani Rraheem 110 times in two places, one for drinking, the other one as hamlet. Give it to the affected person to use on the third day cleanse from her period, let her husband meet her after the drink and the hamlet on her body, the hamlet will be on her for sixty days. She will inshaalah conceive and have no pregnancy and delivery pain.
  10. For every disease: write Bismillahi Rrahamani Rraheem 40 times and wash it with ZAMZAM water or covered well water, let the person have a drink of it.
  11. For easy delivery of pregnancy: let her drink out of Hantu explained above.
  12. For good reward: share and refer people to this site. Come back and give testimonies, there are lot of muslims out there with many problems help them with your given comments and testimonies. Fa ama binimati rabika fa hadith meaning: for the blessing of your Lord, give testimonies.

Khutbah Bismillahi Rrahamani Rraheem

Ramadan Gift
Write this and drink it in the month of Ramadan, you will be blessed with many fortunes and blessings.

You might need someone to help you write in Arabic (hantu) contact the author on +2348051528028.

Make your sadaqah here to help the course of Allah, your money will be used to feed the pupils of ATAYESE SPIRITUAL CENTRE and to build Mosque for the centre.

Name: Adeyemi Adeyinka
Bank: UBA Bank PLC.
Account number: 2061920004.

وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد واله واصحابه وسلم
سبحان ربك رب العزة عما يصفون وسلام على المرسلين الحمد لله رب اArabic


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