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Acceptable Prayer

 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
My brethren in Islam, I feel pains of Muslims all over the world. We are under spiritual duress searching everywhere for a place of rest and thereby falling into wrong hands. Then, I decided to create a Blog, was created in respond to our needs. A lot of good comments, calls and messages were coming in indicating that people are really benefiting from the Blog.
People are calling me asking questions that that prompt many topics on the blog. Still, they call and ask many more questions which answers them are on the blog. I decided to put these topics together in a book and it is tagged “Acceptable prayer”
Acceptable prayer is a book targeted at giving you all the topics on at a go.
The first part treats the conditions for a prayer to be acceptable. It answers the questios: when, where, how and what of prayers to be accepted.
The second part focused on hayyu Dafiu and its uses.
The last part explained to us “Bimillahi Rrahmani Rraheem”, its important and uses.
The updated version include Hizbul Yamani / Saef in transliteration and its uses,  Hizbul MUGHNY and it's uses.
I pray unto Allah to make it an act of Ibadah for me and you. Amin.
To have your copy, follow these instructions:
1. Make a deposit of #1000 in this account detail: Account name:Adeyemi Adeyinka. Account number: 3046147822. Bank: Polaris bank Nigeria. 2. Text your payment detail to 2348036681894 or after which a link to the book will be sent to you.
If you are paying internationally, you may visit:
Maa salaam


  1. J Z K. I'm interested in the eBook.
    May Almighty Allah reward you abundantly.

  2. Asalamun Alaykum am interested in the book but am having difficulty in transferring money to the acct pls

    1. Asalamun Alaykum pls what are the method of using Dua Dirr Solihiin

  3. The explanation is there, you may recite it with Surat yaasin, one on each mubeen

  4. Imam Adeyemi Dawood, I comment to thank you for all your assistance and I pray that almighty Allah will reward you accordingly. M/salaam

  5. Assalam alaikum sir
    I have transferred the payment to your account and sent you an e-mail. Pls check.
    Jazakumllahu khairan

  6. Can I still purchase this healing power book?

  7. I interested to that book... Can I get it as PDF ?
    If yes, how much ❓


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