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In the name Allah, the beneficent, the mos merciful. All glorifications, adorations and beautifications are solely due unto Allah alone. May He increase His blessing on the soul of the noble prophet, our leader Muhammad and his households and companions.
My brothers and sisters, I've come with another post which its value is immeasurable. I am presenting to you in English a prayer called Hizbul Yamani, Hizbu-saef or Saeful Ulamah.

Blessings of Reciting Hizb-Saefi
: 1.  If someone persists in its recitation, in the morning and evening, Allah (SWT) will love him with a special affection. 2.  If someone persists in its recitation, in the morning and evening, no sin will be recorded against him. 3.  If someone persists in its recitation in the morning and evening Allah (SWT) will grant him forgiveness for all his previously committed sins. 4.  If someone recites it in a course of a year, the sins he has committed in that year will not be recorded. 5.  If someone recites it one time, he will be given credit for the worship of one year. If he recites it two times, he will be given credit for the worship of two years, If he recite it three times, he will be given credit for the worship of three years, and so on. 6.  To someone who recites it, Allah (SWT) will grant him reward for the Ramadan fast. 7.  To someone who recites it, Allah (SWT) will grant the reward for keeping the night vigil on the Night of Power, each and every time, whatever the total may add up to. 8.  If someone recites it forty one times, Allah (SWT)  will provide him with the charismatic talents of the saints, and He will cause him to be a lantern for them in any place whatsoever, with His Permission. 9.  If someone recites it three times every morning, up to a total of forty mornings, he will acquire the charisma of the saints, and he will become the splendid and revered figure among his fellow creatures, one who is neither contradicted not opposed. 10. If someone recites it forty one times, in each of forty consecutive mornings. Allah (SWT) will cause him to reach the degree of sainthood. 11.  If someone recites it on behalf it on behalf of himself and his parents, forty one times, they will experience neither hardship in this world nor any trouble in the Hereafter. 12.  If someone recites it one time, Allah (SWT) will save him from sudden death (e.g. accidents, crashes, fire). 13.  If someone recites it forty one times, in order to bring al Khidr to him, al Khidr (may Allah be pleased with him) will come to him. 14.  If someone diligently persists in its recitation, he will not depart from this world without true faith, even if his deeds are improper. Even if his sins are like the foam of the ocean. Allah (SWT) will forgive him by His gracious favour, and He will pardon him with a genuine pardon. 15.  If someone diligently persists in its recitation, Allah will create for him an individual with a lovely face. Then, when his appointed time of death approaches that individual will come toward him and sit in front of him, so he will look at him and admire his loveliness and his beauty, and he will glorify Allah (SWT). His spirit will then depart without any trouble or difficulty, and he will feel no pain, for he will not be aware of anything. When the two angels come to him in his grave, in order to question him about his condition. Allah (SWT) will command this amulet to answer on his behalf with the finest response. When he arises from his grave on the Day of Resurrection his face will be like the moon at midnight. When he arises from his grave, his first encounter will be with the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him). When he comes to the Balance, Allah (SWT) will command them (the angels) not to call him to account, and He will say "While in the lower world, he was diligently persistent in reciting the supplication." When he arrives at the Narrow Bridge, Allah (SWT) will cause this amulet to serve as his means of transport across the Narrow Bridge, and it will say: "Ride on me, and cross over the Narrow Bridge in less than the blink of an eye!" It has also been said that an angel will carry him across, and once he is safe, he will ask: "Who are you?" The angel will tell him: "I am your supplication, which you used to offer in the lower world. 16.  When the visitors come to visit the Prophet (in his mausoleum) he will command them to honour the person who recites this supplication. 17.  If someone diligently persists in its recitation, Allah will grant him eternal life in the Garden of Paradise, by His gracious favour. There is no one more entitled to a robe of honour, nor to a very high degree, than the person who recites this talisman. For each letter of this supplication, Allah (SWT) will grant him a degree in the Garden of Paradise, by His gracious favour. 18.  If someone puts in writing, then erases the ink and gives it to a young child to drink, the door of chastity will be opened for the young one. 19. If someone recites it, firmly convinced of its blessed grace, seventy thousand angels will enter his presence, Then when he says, "O Allah You are the Sovereign, the Manifest Truth. There is no God buy You! Ya Allah Anta Maliku Haqqu l Mubin.... la ilaha illa Ant--the angels will all bow down in prostration to Allah and they will ask Allah to fulfil the need of the supplicant. May Allah (SWT) make the recitation of this supplication, other supplications and all our acts of worship easy for us.
If you are interested in this prayer, click below for your transliteration. For Arabic version, it is in the market for you to buy.
ISaeful ulamah transliteration
May Allah make it an act of ibadah for us.


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