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Deliverance From The Lineage Curse And Bondage Using Hayyu Dafiu

A curse is basically ill intent upon another person, released through sin, ignorance or rebellion.
A Lineage Curse
So a lineage curse is ill intent upon a family generation, or specific members of ancestry, that was released through the sin, ignorance or rebellion of previous ancestors. Therefore, lineage curse leads to lineage bondage.
Causes of lineage curses
 It may be a payment or recompense for
1. A sin
2. Trangress
3. Iniquity
Allah SWT said concerning the Israelite " cursed were those who disbelief among the children of Israel by the tongue of David and of Jesus, the son of Mary. That was because they disobeyed and transgressed" Maryam : 78.
Also,  "and we certainly tried Solomon and placed on his throne a body; then he  returned. He said : my Lord, forgive me and grant me a kingdom such as will not belong to anyone after me.  Indeed , you are Bestower" Sad : 34-35
With the above verses, lineage curse may be as a result of Allah's anger for a sin or from grand parents. Take Solomon as a typical example, he believed people of Israel wrong him and thereby asked for a kingdom that will not be inherited by anyone, Allah granted  and for Allah sake,  prophethood ended up with him. All his wealth, wisdom and other treasure has no uses after him. 
Effects of lineage curses
What are some of the effects of lineage curses? Some examples are depression and other mental anguish such as anger or rage; addiction to drugs, alcohol, sex or pornography; being accident prone; financial problems; relationship problems (divorce, family fall outs, etc); loosing things or having things taken from you frequently; having things around you break frequently: barrenness or infertility. These are just some of the examples of curses. Not all of these are necessarily generational/ancestral, but lineage curses seem to be the most common.
Evidences from The Holy Quran
"Those are the ones whom Allah has cursed; and he whom Allah curses - never will you find for him helper. Nisai : 52"
    How to break lineage curses or bondage.
Lineage bondage could only be break by a rigorous prayers, by that, the curses break and you are freed.
To break that curse and bondage, click:Acceptable prayer
Maa Salaam. 


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