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Using Hizbul Yamani for Protection

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم. Using Hizbul Yamani or Saeful Ulamah for protection is a solid rock against an egg, you know how it works. If you need a protection from Allah,  try this: 1. Nafilat two rakats with Surat Quraesh (Li eelafi quraesh) 25 times each rakat, after salam, then: 2. Ya Kaafi akifny 1000 times 3. Wa kafa biLlahi wakeelan 1000 times 4. Bilazamati walkibriyahu 1000 times 5. Hizbul zaef 1. سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك أشهد أن لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير و حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل  وصلى الله على من لا من لا نبي بده.  سبحان ربك رب العزة عما يصفون والسلام على المرسلين والحمد لله رب العالمين 


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله وكفي والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم. I am very delightful to post this yet another important prayer called mughny or mugini as you may want it. This prayer is recited together with Hizbul yamani or Hizbul Zaef. It is also can be read as khutbah with other prayers. Here is the link to it HIZBUL MUGHNY TRANSLITERATION

Hizbul Yamani English

Hizbul Yamani, Hizbul Saef, Saeful Ulamah, Hirzul Yamani in English transliteration. Bismillahi |Rahmani Raheem Allahumo anta Llahu l mulk l Haqq l Mubeen l Qadeem l mutaazizu bil azamati wal kibriyahu. Al mutafaridu bil baqahi l hayyu l qayyum l qaadiru l muqtadiru l juabaru l qaharu alladhi la ilaha ila anta. Anta rabby wa ana abduka amiltu suha wa zalamtu nafsy wa ataraftu bidhanby fagfirily dhunuby kuliha fa inahu la yagfiru dhunuba ila anta, Ya gafuru ya shakuru ya haleem ya kareem ya soboor ya raheem. Allahumo ini ahamaduka wa anta l mahmoud wa anta lil hamdi ahalun wa ashkuruka wa anta l mashkuur wa anta lishukri ahalun ala ma akhsastani bihi min mizanati ssidiqi indaka wa aniltani bihi min minanika l wasilati ilaya wa ahasaantu bihi ilaya kuli waktimin dafuhi l baliyati anny wataofiqi ly wal ijabatyi liduahi heena unadeeka daiyan wa unajeeka ragiban wa adiuka mutadarrian musafiyyan darian wa heena arijooka raJIYAN  fa ajiduka kafiyan wa aludhu bika fil mawatini kuliah f

حزب اليمانى عربي

حزب اليماني او حزب السيف او حرز اليمانى او سيف العلماء عربي بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم اللهم أنت الله الملك الحق المبين القديم المتعزز بالعظمة والكبرياء المنفرد بالبقاء الحي القيوم القادر المقتدر الجبار القهار الذي لا إله إلا أنت (سورة الاخلاص 3) أنت ربى وأنا عبدك عملت سوءا وظلمت نفسي واعترفت بذنبي فاغفر لي ذنوبي كلها فانه لا يغفر الذنوب إلا أنت يا غفور يا شكور يا حليم يا كريم يا صبور يا رحيم اللهم إني أحمدك وأنت المحمود وأنت للحمد أهل وأشكرك وأنت المشكور وأنت للشكر أهل على ما خصصتني به من مواهب الرغائب وأوصلت إلى من فضائل الصنائع وأوليتني به من إحسانك وبوأتني به من مظنة الصدق عندك وأنلتني به من مننك الواصلة إلى وأحسنت به إلى كل وقت من دفع البلية عنى والتوفيق لي والإجابة لدعائي حين أناديك داعيا وأناجيك راغبا وأدعوك متضرعا صافيا ضارعا وحين أرجوك راجيا فأجدك كافيا وألوذ بك في المواطن كلها فكن لي ولأهلي ولإخواني كلهم جارا حاضرا حفيا بارا وليا في الأمور كلها ناظرا وعلى الأعداء كلهم ناصرا وللخطايا والذنوب كلها غافرا وللعيوب كلها ساترا لم أعدم عونك وبرك وخيرك وعزك وإحسانك طرفة عين منذ أنزلتني


In the name Allah, the beneficent, the mos merciful. All glorifications, adorations and beautifications are solely due unto Allah alone. May He increase His blessing on the soul of the noble prophet, our leader Muhammad and his households and companions. My brothers and sisters, I've come with another post which its value is immeasurable. I am presenting to you in English a prayer called Hizbul Yamani, Hizbu-saef or Saeful Ulamah. Blessings of Reciting Hizb-Saefi : 1.  If someone persists in its recitation, in the morning and evening, Allah (SWT) will love him with a special affection. 2.  If someone persists in its recitation, in the morning and evening, no sin will be recorded against him. 3.  If someone persists in its recitation in the morning and evening Allah (SWT) will grant him forgiveness for all his previously committed sins. 4.  If someone recites it in a course of a year, the sins he has committed in that year will not be recorded. 5.  If someone recites it one tim

Acceptable Prayer

 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم My brethren in Islam, I feel pains of Muslims all over the world. We are under spiritual duress searching everywhere for a place of rest and thereby falling into wrong hands. Then, I decided to create a Blog, was created in respond to our needs. A lot of good comments, calls and messages were coming in indicating that people are really benefiting from the Blog. People are calling me asking questions that that prompt many topics on the blog. Still, they call and ask many more questions which answers them are on the blog. I decided to put these topics together in a book and it is tagged “Acceptable prayer” Acceptable prayer is a book targeted at giving you all the topics on at a go. The first part treats the conditions for a prayer to be acceptable. It answers the questios: when, where, how and what of prayers to be accepted. The second part focused on hayyu Dafiu and its uses. The last part explained to us


اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم بسم الله الرحمن الحيم USES OF BISMILLAHI RRAHMANI RAHEEM I seek refuge in Allah from shaytan, the accursed. In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Most Merciful. All glorification and adoration are solely due to Almighty Allah. The tranquility of Allah should be increased on the soul of the Noble Prophet, his household, companions and those that contributed to the growth of Islam till the day of Qiyyamah.     I am here again to share with you the USES OF BISMILLAHI RRAHMANI RAHEEM which will inshaallahu be helpful to you.     The Messenger of Allah was once ask about Bismillahi Rrahamani Rraheem, he said: it is one of the most beautiful name of Allah, there is no separation between it and the Most high name of Allah (Ismullahi-l-akbar ) except for separation that exist between the whitish and the blackish of an eye. (SAW).     The day it was revealed, the angels were very happy, the Arsh of Allah shook, the planetsshook, the rocks uproar f

Freedom from Black Powers

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام علي حبيبنا محمد الامين واله واصحابه صلاة وسلاما دائمين متلذمين الى يوم الدين My dear readers, I am glad to come back here and explain to you the use of suratul kahf and the Names of People of Cave with their prayers to set free yourself from the bondage of the black power (shaytan). The bondage You might have been battling in-progress in your endeavors, dreadful nightmare, eating in your dreams, intercourse in your dreams, cobweb everywhere, promise and fail, sickness, these and others are the traps of shaytan to derail you of your success path. You must be free Allah is ready to free you from this bondage. He said: call me, you shall be answered. He also said: seek help with perseverance and prayer. Follow these steps keenly, then you are free: 1. These powerful Prayer of my Sheikh 111 times 2. Suratul yoonus Ayat: 81 ( ما جئتم به السحر ان الله سيبطله ان الله لا يصلح عمل المفسدين ) 3 . This Khatim . Writ